Promoting Healthy Ears

Every year in the UK, there are over 4.5 million sick days taken because of ear related problems, with 1 in 5 people recognising a drop in their performance, memory, or confidence during the working day. 

We are offering a free ear health check and cleaning service to promote healthy ears. The service is delivered at your location by one of our ENT doctors.

The service, for your members of staff, includes:

  • Ear health check
  • Microsuction (ear cleaning)
  • Q&A on aural (ear) hygiene

What happens on the day?

During your private consultation, our ENT doctor will ask you questions about any ear symptoms you may have and your general health.

The doctor will then perform a short and painless ear examination using loupes.

If you require treatment, the doctor will explain what is involved and then ask you to read and sign our e-consent form prior to treatment.

The ear examination takes no more than 5 minutes and microsuction (ear cleaning) takes no more than 15 minutes for both ears.

What you have to do?

  • Publish content on your website about Auris Ear Care offering an ear health check and cleaning service for your members of staff (see examples below). We can create the content upon request.
  • The content must include a follow link to the Auris Ear Care website ( 
  • The content and link to the Auris Ear Care website must be live on your website within 5 working days of receiving the free service.
  • The content and link must remain live indefinitely.
  • Write a minimum of 1 Google review for every 3 people seen, sharing your experience, within 5 working days of receiving the free service.

From your company’s Instagram page: 

  • Follow @aurisearcare prior to our visit.
  • Tag @aurisearcare and hashtag #earwaxremoval #earwaxremovalspecialists #earwaxremovallondon #microsuction and #microsuctionearwaxremoval in a post within 5 working days of receiving the free service.
  • Accept our collaboration request when @aurisearcare tag you in a post about our visit.
If this sounds like a lot of work, it really isn’t. See how quick and easy it was for some of our other customers below:
To find out if you qualify, please enter your website address below and we will be in touch almost immediately with a decision.
Social media pages on their own are not eligible for this offer, sorry.
Here are some brands who have benefited from our offer.
Here are some brands who have
benefited from our offer.